TREATMENTS OF PLASMA CORONA RADIATION ON SEAWEED Gracilaria Verrucosa (HUDSON) PAPENFUSS: Efforts to increase growth and biomass.
Development of G. verrucosa cultivation in Indonesia provides a great opportunity and thus advantage because of the demand of gelatin has increased time to time at global market. In the development of seaweed cultivation, basic ecological factors associated with the growth and life needs to be known. G. verrucosa is a type of seaweed which has a fairly broad tolerance toward abiotic factors,b can live in relatively slow water current on a muddy substrate, salinity range between 5- 43% and a pH range between 6-9 (Hoyle, 1975).
Plasma is a gas filled condition when a charged particle with the potential energy between the particles is smaller than the kinetic energy of the particles contained in the gas. One way of plasma generation is done through electrical discharges. Plasma is formed in the electrical discharge known as corona plasma radiation. Incandescent plasma corona discharge that occurs in the condition of atmospheric air spaces make nitrogen in the form of N2 (dinitrogen) forced into the direct current to infiltrated into an irradiated medium (Azam et al, 2007).
Plasma technology is used as a generator of N+ ions from the air. The amount of nitrogen composition in free air, up to 80%, causing the plasma radiation to the free air potentially large yield N+ ions. Further infiltration of nitrogen ions into a material will change the microstructure of the material, so that the properties of the physical and chemical changes, resulting in the growth of the biota when irradiated (Muhlisin, 2005).